Posts Tagged ‘sewing’

A New Machine!!

But first, a brief history of my sewing machines…. 1984 – I inherit my mother’s no-name sewing machine. (my dad was friends with an import/exporter so I have no idea where it came from, probably called a Zinger or something like that.) 1988 – Sears Kenmore – my mother’s machine just died…stopped working. Gave it to a friend for her sister who’s house had burned down – her husband oiled it and it ran fine…who knew?!? 2002 – I want a Papillon. Husband says no more pets. I put my name in at the shelter saying if they ever get… Read more »

The Finished Project!

Today we celebrated 25 years of Messiah Lutheran’s ministry in Amherst NH! It was a great day of celebration with wonderful music, the Bishop preached and we had a wonderful luncheon! Old and new friends were there and it felt like everyone had a great time! A lot of hard work went into today – there was cleaning done, painting done and LOTS of planning done! We also had the liturgical banner Connie, Trudi and I have been working on for the past eleven months dedicated. It felt so good to see it hanging and people ohhhing and ahhhing over… Read more »

A Journey’s End…

It started about 8 years ago. I was at Camp Calumet and saw a poster on one of the bulletin boards that was a picture of a mural that artist David Hetland created at the 2003 ELCA Youth Gathering in Atlanta, GA. It was love at first site. I kept thinking, I want to reproduce that in fabric! I even dreamt about it! Finally I got up the courage to ask for the poster…and it was MINE! Fast forward to 2006…my husband (a Lutheran Pastor) accepts a call to Messiah Lutheran Church in Amherst NH. After a while of settling… Read more »

“As a novice quilter, I love how my quilts look after Lisa’s done with them. And all my mistakes remain a secret with her! ”
—Suzanne, customer since 2006

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