
I did it!

It took the whole nine weeks, but I completed the Couch to 5K program! Surprisingly, it wasn’t that much of a struggle, considering I’m 50 now and overweight! My only problem is that I was having trouble fitting the whole 3.1 miles within the 30-minute running time! So today I took it upon myself to just keep running until I hit the 3.1 mile mark (I actually hit 3.16!) and I did it in 51 minutes. Not too bad for an old lady! I signed up for my first official 5k race – The Santa Claus Shuffle on December 1st… Read more »

The Finished Project!

Today we celebrated 25 years of Messiah Lutheran’s ministry in Amherst NH! It was a great day of celebration with wonderful music, the Bishop preached and we had a wonderful luncheon! Old and new friends were there and it felt like everyone had a great time! A lot of hard work went into today – there was cleaning done, painting done and LOTS of planning done! We also had the liturgical banner Connie, Trudi and I have been working on for the past eleven months dedicated. It felt so good to see it hanging and people ohhhing and ahhhing over… Read more »

A Journey’s End…

It started about 8 years ago. I was at Camp Calumet and saw a poster on one of the bulletin boards that was a picture of a mural that artist David Hetland created at the 2003 ELCA Youth Gathering in Atlanta, GA. It was love at first site. I kept thinking, I want to reproduce that in fabric! I even dreamt about it! Finally I got up the courage to ask for the poster…and it was MINE! Fast forward to 2006…my husband (a Lutheran Pastor) accepts a call to Messiah Lutheran Church in Amherst NH. After a while of settling… Read more »

A Word (or two) About Quilt Backings…Part III

Squaring up – what exactly does that mean? Well when you load a backing onto a longarm frame, if the fabric isn’t’ a nice square shape, there will be areas that droop and as I quilt your quilt, these can and will cause puckers in your quilt backing. If I catch it in time, I can sometimes pull and yank and get it to work, but if I don’t catch it there will be a pucker in your backing. The easiest way for me to square you backing (which you can do yourself) is to tear it. There are some… Read more »

A Word (or two) About Quilt Backings…Part II

To wash or not to wash, that is the question….every quilter has an opinion on whether or not to wash their fabrics before sewing. I do. I’m not saying you have to but I do recommend that if you washed all the fabrics in the top, you should probably wash the fabric for the back! But….if you’re not going to wash the fabric for your backing, at least iron out that crease that is formed from the fabric sitting on the bolt. If I load a backing fabric and it has a crease in it, I will spray it with… Read more »


Quilting was not my first love….I know, shocking, isn’t it?!? When I was in fourth or fifth grade, my mother sent me to the Singer Sewing School at the Singer Sewing Center in the Nanuet Mall. Every Saturday for what felt like forever, I got up early and was dropped off at the mall before it opened and attended sewing classes. We got to pick out a pattern, fabrics and notions and was walked through the construction process and at the end of the “term” there was going to be a Fashion Show! We were going to get to model… Read more »

What to get??

Do you have your Christmas shopping all done? I certainly do not! So far one present has been purchased. Good thing I don’t have too many people to buy for! I’m thinking of getting my husband a Kindle from but I’m still not convinced he/I would like it better than an actual book….what are your thoughts? Then there’s the Advent Conspiracy where they urge you to “buy less, give more” which I love! But then you have to convince your whole family into participating so you don’t look like a cheapskate! So how does your family handle Christmas/Holiday giving??

The Lake

My husband’s family owns a house on Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire. Tom’s grandfather had the house built almost 75 years ago and it truly is a family treasure. It’s not a huge house, there is no beach front, but it’s our place of refuge. This weekend (Columbus Day weekend) marks the 31st year I’ve been coming here! I still remember that first weekend…I didn’t really know Tom’s family well and the first night here I heard my first loon call…for those of you who have never heard a loon call it is an eerie sound…especially at night…at a place… Read more »

“The baby quilt you quilted is amazing. Thank you very much! ”
—Denise, customer since 2004

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