Have you been challenged???

My friend Marie of Marie’s Creative Space loves a challenge! And her challenges sometimes turn into my challenges, because she asks me to quilt some of her challenge quilts!
Recently I quilted her quilt for the Hoffman Challenge and while it didn’t win, it was picked to be part of their traveling exhibit! Pretty cool, huh?

Marie's Hoffman Challenge Quilt

Marie’s Hoffman Challenge Quilt

On this quilt I tried to mimic the fabric in the solid fabrics. And around the 3-D flowers in the center was a simple background fill to make the flowers “pop!”

Then there was the Modern Quilt Guild‘s “Michael Miller Challenge” where we were given fat 8th’s of several MM fabrics and this is what Marie came up with! I had fun quilting all the circles (bubbles?) on it!

Marie's Michael Miller Challenge

Marie’s Michael Miller Challenge

Marie knew exactly how she wanted this one quilted, which is good because I’m not sure I would have come up with this and I think it looks awesome!

So when was the last time YOU were challenged??
Here’s my challenge to you — find a challenge!! Then report back in the comments section on your challenge and how you’re handling it!

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“As a novice quilter, I love how my quilts look after Lisa’s done with them. And all my mistakes remain a secret with her! ”
—Suzanne, customer since 2006

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