A Word (or two) About Quilt Backings…Part II

To wash or not to wash, that is the question….every quilter has an opinion on whether or not to wash their fabrics before sewing. I do. I’m not saying you have to but I do recommend that if you washed all the fabrics in the top, you should probably wash the fabric for the back! But….if you’re not going to wash the fabric for your backing, at least iron out that crease that is formed from the fabric sitting on the bolt. If I load a backing fabric and it has a crease in it, I will spray it with some water or spray starch and let it dry – this doesn’t always work and it takes time for it to dry, which takes away from the time I could be spending quilting your quilt! Now if this doesn’t work and the crease is still there, I will try my darndest to yank and pull your backing fabric so the crease is gone but I cannot guarantee you’re not going to have that crease in your finished product. If you want me to iron your backing fabric, there is a charge of $20 for me to do it. Think about it – how long does it take to iron a backing? Again, it’s time taken away from my quilting.

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“As a novice quilter, I love how my quilts look after Lisa’s done with them. And all my mistakes remain a secret with her! ”
—Suzanne, customer since 2006

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