A Fresh Start!

I recently moved my personal sewing stuff to our basement. Wasn’t much to look at, your typical semi-finished basement…white walls, cement floor, washer and dryer set up. Then my friend René said, why don’t we paint it…René loves to paint! I mean LOVES to paint!

So I went to the paint store and picked out one of my favorite colors…almost, but not quite, lime green! It is a color that gives me great joy! I don’t care if it’s going out of style, I still love it!

So we checked our schedules and found a day to spend painting together and boy does René know what she’s doing! She brought her own brushes, a disposable paint tray, a nifty paint can that’s easy to hold and has removable inserts – she has the tools to get the job done right!

We moved stuff into the middle of the room and René laid down the drop cloth and got started. Without using any painter’s tape, she slowly cut in along the ceiling, floors and windows and when she was enough ahead of me, she let me use the roller and paint the big spots. We started around 10 am and finished around 4 or 5pm with a short break for lunch (which my husband Tom made for us).The windows in our basement have plain wooden sills so I checked our paint inventory and we had some off-white trim paint and René got to that, too.

Once the walls were done, I was flabbergasted! The once dreary, boring basement was ALIVE!  Then we got to moving furniture around so that it was in the right spots with enough room to get around without disturbing the flow of laundry. I couldn’t believe how perfect this space was becoming!

I love this color green!

Then René suggested I put up a curtain rod with a curtain to “hide” the washer and dryer so I wasn’t thinking about that while I was sewing. I didn’t have a fabric that was right for the curtain, so I worked on the rest of the room figuring that could come later…which it did…while out shopping with Tom, I coerced him into a visit to Fabric Fix in Manchester. Fabric Fix has a cool assortment of non-quilty fabrics and Malden Mills fleece, and while I don’t shop there often, if I’m looking for something different, that’s where I go. I knew I wanted something funky and fun and probably black and white…then I spotted it…EUREKA!


So this is the (mostly) finished product and I totally love it – on the opposite end of the basement we’ve put an elliptical machine which I swear I’m going to use daily (once the stupid company sends us all the right parts to put it together!). It’s still a work in progress (there’s got to be a more efficient way to store fabric!) and I need to buy curtain rods for the windows (matching fabric) and covers for the overhead lights, but I am so happy when I get to sew down there!


What does your sewing space look like??



Well, Trudi had set me up with a great spot, table and all the accessories….well, it’s now covered with laundry 🙁 and other “junk” – I have made a promise to her and to me that we will finish my many “started” projects. Your space looks great….


I think it looks fabulous! And it’s so neat and tidy…….my sewing hole is a mess. OK, so I’m moving and have an excuse — that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Kari Nelson

It looks like a fun, inspiring and productive place to sew! Enjoy….next we can work on my pottery shed!

Love you!



Looks fantastic….gee…do you like bright green???Matches your crocks.

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