
So I decided to get serious (well mostly serious) about my health and weight…on Saturday it was gorgeous out so I decided to take a walk. It was a 40 minute walk – got my heart rate up and sweated (did I mention I hate to sweat?!?). Sunday and Monday were pretty hot days, so I didn’t make an effort (unless you consider shopping exercise!). Tuesday is my quilt group day so instead of exercising, we ate!

Wednesday I walked again (at the urging of René). René told me, do it! you’ll feel good about yourself! So I did…and surprisingly, I did!

And here it is Thursday – and I walked…again! Took a different route today and it clocked in at 1.1 miles in 20 minutes…that’s not a bad pace, is it? I downloaded an app for my Droid called RunKeeper. It’s pretty cool – tracks my walk (distance-wise and map-wise) and times me and tells me how many calories I burned (101). I recommend it for Droid owners! I also listen to Pandora Radio on my Droid (another great app I’d recommend!) to keep my pace up.

So now I get to clean up and quilt another customer quilt…I counted on Tuesday and have 17 in the queue…but I got one done yesterday so now we’re down to 16! Yay!

Have a great day!

One Comment

Kari Nelson

Keep on walking my friend! I walked 6 milea today (all on the track-yuck!) and thought about you while I was doing it! One of my favorite “get me moving” songs to listen to while I walk is “Friday I’m in Love” by The Cure or pretty much anything by the Cure!
I’m proud of you, keep going!!!
Love you!

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